Trill Mag Article Content: Top 5 Christmas Films


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About the Publication

Trill Mag is a non profit online magazine that allocates to the Gen Z demographic. The magazine consists of articles and artwork surrounding news, entertainment, culture, and other categories of content. As a graphic design intern the task at hand is designing artwork to accompany the articles. The article entitled: What Your Favorite Christmas Movie Says About You by Eleanor Banyard is about the top 5 Christmas movies that define personality based on personal preference.

To depict the artwork for the article the main focus was highlighting a Winter / Christmas aesthetic by a dynamic background. An ombre of light and dark blues with silhouettes of snow flakes and snow captures the essence of holidays. The official image is a collage presenting a catalogue of top five Christmas films and their distinct themes. Christmas films depicted from left to right are Home AloneThe Polar ExpressNativity!The Holiday, and ElfEach film is represented with familiar imagery and simplistic designs. Inspiration was taken from pop culture magazines like People and Entertainment Weekly. The finished result stands apart from the Winter background below where it samples a thematic presence of the Winter season.

Background Illustration for Article Content

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