Trill Mag Article Content: Sister Reads


Featured Illustration for Article Content

About the Publication

Trill Mag is a non profit online magazine that allocates to the Gen Z demographic. The magazine consists of articles and artwork surrounding news, entertainment, culture, and other categories of content. As a graphic design intern the task at hand is designing artwork to accompany the articles. The article entitled: 7 Books About Sisters To Read For National Sisters Day  by Iona Leaf is about the top seven reads to commemorate National Sisters Day.

To depict the artwork for the article the main focus was highlighting the demographics of sisters who read. The official image is playful in illustrating a scene where sisters read on a bed togther. Behind them is a backdrop of the novels girls their age would be reading. The oldest would read The Color Purple by Alice Walker. The Middle child would read a classic: Little Women by Louisa May Alcott. The youndest child would read Beezus and Ramona by Beverly Cleary. Different hues of pink is the over all color scheme for the artwork. The concept image below illustrated a more simplistic approach with minimal imagery and silhouettes. A basic design is shared by both images. Inspiration was taken from childhood nostalgia and a vector design that was developed in the early design process. The finished result takes from the original concept illustration below where a young girl is reading a book in her lap.

Concept Illustration for Article Content

Vector Test Illustration for Article Content

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