Trill Mag Article Content: F1 Fashion


Featured Image for Article Content

About the Publication

Trill Mag is a non profit online magazine that allocates to the Gen Z demographic. The magazine consists of articles and artwork surrounding news, entertainment, culture, and other categories of content. As a graphic design intern the task at hand is designing artwork to accompany the articles. The article entitled: Speed And Style: How Formula 1 Fashion Took Off by Jordan Renwick is about a coveted sports brand gaining traction by fashion trends.

To depict the artwork for the article the main focus was highlighting the variety of sports car brands that partake in the Formula 1 fashion collections. The featured image is a more commercial approach with towering mannequins dressed in F1 fashion over an F1 race. The busy background allows the simplistic fashion to stand out. Inspiration was taken from sports car commercials and F1 televised media. A rough draft of the artwork is featured below bringing more of a childish angle with a cartoon F1 racer sporting a fashion ensemble by Puma and Mercedes-Benz.

Rough Illustration for Article Content

In Detail Cartoon Design for Article Content

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