Trill Mag Article Content: College Dating


Official Illustration for Article Content

Alternate Dimensions for Article Content

About the Publication

Trill Mag is a non profit online magazine that allocates to the Gen Z demographic. The magazine consists of articles and artwork surrounding news, entertainment, culture, and other categories of content. As a graphic design intern the task at hand is designing artwork to accompany the articles. The article entitled: Why Is Dating In College *So* Difficult? by Grace Pollard is about the challenge of students forming romantic relationships in college.

To depict the artwork for the article the main focus was highlighting a barrier or disruption between students prioritzing their studies over a dinner date. The official image is cropped from the original artwork in showing a couple having a date at a diner. Boyfriend is at his labtop while his girlfriend is reading a textbook; both discard a plate of spaghetti to share. The couple are of different skin colors that compliment eachother to represent an interracial relationship. Alternate dimensions of the same artwork are shown depicting more content below. The difference in dimensions is for media variance of the article. Inspiration was taken from Norman Rockwell paintings showing restaurant patrons. The finished result takes from the original illustration below where the diner scene is completed where no cropping is applied.

Expanded Illustration for Article Content

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