Trill Mag Article Content: Barbie Snub


Official Illustration for Article Content

Alternate Illustration for Article Content

About the Publication

Trill Mag is a non profit online magazine that allocates to the Gen Z demographic. The magazine consists of articles and artwork surrounding news, entertainment, culture, and other categories of content. As a graphic design intern the task at hand is designing artwork to accompany the articles. The article entitled: The Snubs, Surprises, And Outrage Of The 2024 Oscar Nominations by Tyler Rhyan is about the Barbie film not being nominated for the Academy Award for Best Actress and Best Director.

To depict the artwork for the article the main focus was highlighting the recognition of celebrities for the awards versus the snubs. The official image is more literal in showing an oversight of recognition for the director and the lead actress of Barbie hinted by the lack of trophy just a base. Pink was the over all color scheme for the artwork. The alternate image illustrates the Oscar nominees for the Barbie movie followed by a trophy. The celebs in grayscale are the snubs who deserved recognition for best director and best actress followed by the absence of a trophy.  Inspiration was taken from old Hollywood films like Gentlemen Prefer Blondes where figures stand against dramatic and bold colors. The finished result takes from the original concept illustration below where the lead actress Margot Robbie and the director Greta Gerwig are featured.

Concept Illustration for Article Content

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