The Maison Grand Opening


Design Narrative

About the Project

Edward B. Webber has chosen to direct awareness to a new venue down in New Orleans, Louisiana. He is delighted to announce a new club is being opened on December 2, 2022. The venue is entitled The Maison, and Edward welcomes all to a “Swingin’ Jazz Grand Opening” to commemorate a milestone that has been in the works for a time. He went about advertising the event through a poster that reflected the festivities customers would experience such as live music and extravagance. Eddie used a modular typeface known as Guaraldi which depicts characters with a piano keyboard visual-execution to spell out the word JAZZ, which he feels is fitting for the name of event. A second typeface known as Phosphate was utilized as the primary font for text similar to lettering found in performing art fields such as Broadway. Eddie focused on a color story that was resonant to the drama of Jazz music such as blacks and reds which leaves a stark contrast. To the upper left of the poster Eddie was inspired by the Jazz legends that marked their path to success such as Norah Jones and Billie Holiday. Paying tribute to the female contribution of Jazz, Eddie drew a female Jazz singer with pink skin and red hair. He tried to emphasize her features as she sang into a microphone.



To expand the event he went along and designed two other posters featuring jazz musicians to bring about variety for the campaign. Some challenges Eddie faced were developing the text boxes to fit the proper size of the poster and the composition element that followed.The audience reaction to the poster should house an interest in visiting the place if interest is born. Eddie had decided to go along with the piano, jazz theme to further discover an event that was dear to him. His father is very fond of Jazz and the laborious time in making the poster was well worth it to him. He took into consideration how wonderful his sketches were captured in the final outcome. Eddie’s decisions in the poster-making stem from the well relied advice from his type professor. His solution is the best means of communicating the message because he was tapping into an artist’s mind to further interpret a reception that was not biased. Eddie appreciated any remark made as he understood the reason was to better encounter a scenario like this in the future.

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