Dalmatian Pianos
About the Brand
Piano shops cater to just about any age demographic. A child from ages 4-7. An adolescent from ages 13-18. Adults ranging from ages 21-95. Some piano shops have charities where they take a percentage of sales and donate them. Whether it be for music programs in schools, animal shelters, or scholarships for becoming musicians. Anyone who has a love for music, piano playing, and a passion in giving back to a good cause would definitely take an interest. The design challenge is to create a piano shop that appeals to an inclusive audience with an interest in music and Dalmatians by donating to a charity with every instrument purchase that differs from a local music store or dog shelter.
Dalmatian Piano differs from other piano shops because unlike a main goal of purchasing an instrument a percentage of proceeds goes to the dogs that share the same characteristics of a piano: black, white, loud, and disciplined. With every piano sold a Dalmatian gets a home, receives aid for any hearing or urinary impairments, and is loved. For no extra cost and free shipping is added to the interest of the instrument making it a good investment knowing somewhere an animal is not forgotten.