Trill Mag (Rebrand)

Trill Mag redesigned logo
About the Brand
Trill Mag is a non profit online magazine that allocates to the Gen Z demographic. The magazine consists of articles and artwork surrounding news, entertainment, culture, and other categories of content.
The Trill logo is a red gradient emblem with geometric lettering spelling out “TRILL”. The “I” is designed to be an exclamation mark with a magazine vector as the point to tie it all together. Red is the signature color of TRILL in all branding media items. Below is a series of logo variations in different coloring as well as merch. The favicon logo is the “T” with the same magazine vector at the lower right corner. The favicon is very versatile in media items, merch, and branding packaging. Icon elements like magazine vectors and background layouts flesh out the branding and expand brand as a whole.

Trill Mag logo comparison

Logo variation

Logo color variation


Favicon design

Favicon variation

Media item


Branding package


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